Explore Canadian books

How to find books that address a specific topic if the synopsis of these works makes no mention of it? Our robot reader searches the content of Canadian books and carries out what would be a painstaking task if it was performed manually: it identifies hundreds of entities (a keyword representing an idea, person or place, for example) cited in the book.

How our robot reader works

The robot accesses the digital version of the book. It "reads" the entire book in order to identify the most important entities. It then counts the number of times each entity is cited and selects the ones that appear most often in that specific book rather than in all the books it has read. This is how it identifies the entities specific to that particular book.

Frequently asked questions

What is the reading robot?
How does the robot work?
What is an entity?
Why develop this tool?
I'm not satisfied with the search results. How can I let the robot know?
Why isn't theme-based search available for all books?